Sunday, November 16, 2008


Rudy Giuliani says he's thinking about running for governor in '10.

A lot depends on how Gov. Paterson handles this budget-cut fight, especially with Democrats taking over the whole show in January. If Paterson is perceived as having gotten rolled by Shelly Silver et al., Rudy swoops in as The Guy To Give Albany The Kick In The Teeth They Deserve (Plus A Few Gratuitous Knees To The Groin).

Big-name wise, it's not like there's a whole lot else the state GOP has to choose from - without Rudy they'd be thisclose to rummaging through old rolodexes looking for Pierre Rinfret's phone number only to realize he died two years ago. (They asked 19 people before he said yes? Sheesh, I woulda done it back then just to meet girls, but then I was pretty pathetic in 1990. Not like now, oh no.)

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