Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Gov. Paterson rolled out his budget-cut ideas today, trying to save two billion bucks without laying anybody off. Good luck with that. Let's see:

Medicaid/health care: Recommends $18 billion in Medicaid and other health care savings over the next two years by reducing reimbursement rates (8 percent in 2008-09, 2 percent in 2009-10) and eliminating "trend factor increases across all sectors." The insurance industry will contribute more in assessed fees. Also, the plan calls for cuts to the $100 million fund that offsets the costs of Timothy's Law, which requires parity for mental health treatment by health insurance companies, by $88 million in 2008-09 and $91 million in 2009-10.

And the Medicaid fraud investigators will continue to stagger along as best they can, meaning we'll get the occasional bust of the most obvious crooks but not the billions in savings that could be realized with simple competent oversight - but on the other hand, most of the legislature is unwilling even to take Paterson's baby steps.

Also making another appearance is the Bigger Better Bottle Bill:
He wants to expand the 5-cent deposit of beer and soda containers to include water and non-carbonated beverages to benefit the Environmental Protection Fund, which would suffer a countervaling $50 million cut.

I'm in favor of this mainly because it would make my sorting job a whole lot less confusing, especially since I'm trying to teach two small kids about recycling. I'd jack the deposit up to a dime and let redeemers keep some of the proceeds if they agree to set up their machines to take containers they didn't sell. It drives a guy nuts to roll into the Hannaford and realize those Stop & Shop bottles are going to have to wait until the next trip. Also, with winter coming it'll make for less stuff to schlep out to the road every Tuesday morning.

1 comment:

Erin F. said...

You could also make a lot of extra money by going to Target and rounding up all the carts with the quarter still stuck in them that people decided it wasn't worth it to return. Gov. Patterson could even "create" more jobs by hiring someone to go to various Targets for this. A quarter here and there sure adds up, you might end up with an extra 83 cents a day. (That was a funny, haha...)